edge profile n.02

14 cm

Our Edge Profiles are protected by the French INPI and the WIPO 

‘Living in Montmartre was amazing. I worked all night long’ - Marc Chagall. This quote from the iconic painter and artist part of the ‘surrealist’ movement could almost describe the feeling of airness emanating from the edge profile n.2. Its mold was in fact contemporary with the ‘School of Paris’.
Like Marc Chagall, let yourself get carried away by the atmosphere of Montmartre, elbows propped on the countertop of the ‘Café Francoeur’, with a wine selection as plethoric as its color palette. The edge profile n.02 mirrored in its glass will intoxicate you with its edges. Just like in the shining and elegant bistrot ‘Le Chardenoux’ where Cyril Lignac cooks wonders; the atmosphere finds balance around its countertop shaped like a gendarme’s hat.
On your next trip to New York, you should have breakfast on the countertop of the new ‘Pastis’ in the heart of the meatpacking district, down from the Whitney Museum. Its hurried yet cheerful customers enjoys the roundness of the countertop and of its edge profile: the very essence of the neo-chic bistrot.

Countertops n.92 and n.80 were refurbished with this edge profile.
