edge profile n.16

6.5 cm

Our Edge Profiles are protected by the French INPI and the WIPO 

Similarly to the n.9, the edge profile n.16 dates back to an era when pewter countertops had become the ‘must-have’ for every neighborhood bistrot, at the margins of the great, more upscale Brasseries.

It hints at Montmartre and the 1915 operetta ‘La Cocarde de Mimi-Pinson’, made famous again with Robert Darène’s 1957 movie. Michelin Dax sings:
“A small pewter countertop
That shines when the morn dew drops
Perfectly lined up bottles
On two or three or four rows
Pouring glasses of Bordeaux
And glasses of vin nouveau
Ah! Dreams of a bistrot
I can’t wait any mo’...”

Come and have a taste of the experience at the Bistrot ‘Le Village’. All dishes cooked there are ‘homemade’. It is a tourist spot but nonetheless a real neighborhood bistrot where people know each other and meet up at the countertop and on the standing tables… made out of pewter along with the same edge profile. “... What chic, what charm!” as goes Mimi-Pinson’s song!

Le Beaujolais d’Auteuil’ holds similar round and warming setting in keeping with the small decorative heads on its countertop. This feature must be the reason why ‘the 16’ ‘exported’ itself throughout France and beyond… Namely to places that abounded with Parisians during the interwar period, as in ‘La Bisquine’ in Honfleur and the brasserie ‘Le Central’ in Trouville, a stone’s throw away from the casino.

Dax, a thermal and therapy town, holds many iconic places since the 1920s like ‘Le Palais’ that was entirely refurbished in 2019. Its majestic countertop is proudly adorned with the edge profile n.16.

Countertops n.103 and n.95 were refurbished with this edge profile.
