18.5 cm

Our Edge Profiles are protected by the French INPI and the WIPO 

This iconic, stylish and colossal edge profile is part of our ‘DNA heritage’. Its melted iron molds weighing over 95 Kg date back to the end of the XIXth century. It is one of the few that were saved by Maurice Nectoux when the company first started.

The oldest of our workshops, which is still running, takes pride in showcasing this amazing wave edged profile. At La Grille Montorgueil, ‘Marius’ dates back to 1930. It survived the occupation of Paris thanks to the butcher next door, who hid it in the cold room of his shop until 1945. Today, it is admired by all thanks to typical bistrot food: simple and delicious…

Recently, this edge profile was used for enthusiasts: the angle countertop L’Odessa and its younger relative Le Mamy Rosa in Paris’ 14th arrondissement. Two steps away from the Montparnasse train station, thanks to their recent renovation, it seems those bistrots have always been a part of the scenery.
