Edge profile N°08

10,5 cm

The beginning of the " Roaring Twenties " the celebration of revelry and carefree fun – this is what this border symbolizes, where one can already perceive the tremors of Art Deco.
This frenetic air perfectly embodies the spirit of " L'Ami Jean " which has become one of the temples of Bistronomy movement since Stéphane Jégo took over. This Breton druid honed his skills under Christian Constant restaurant ' at the "Crillon" and then under Yves Camdeborde at "La Régalade." The ingredients are exceptional, the dishes incredibly refined. Everything is meticulous, with a menu ranging from reassuring classicism to masterful inventiveness! All in a generous and unpretentious atmosphere.

You'll find this atmosphere at " Soif " a place that's part restaurant, part wine bar. The emphasis is on taste and the authenticity of the ingredients. The selection of estate wines is exceptional, and you'll be cleverly advised based on your choice of French or Italian dishes. You can drink or dine at our counter... until you've had your fill.
