Border N°102

8 cm

To celebrate our 90th anniversary in 2020, we launched eight edge profiles to offer a new experience to our customers.

While the brilliance and warmth of a pewter countertop remain unchanged,the clean lines of these edge profiles with a more industrial and modern style also attract a new clientele. The pursuit of comfort and beauty is at the heart of this new collection. The absence of cabochons or designs on these edge profilesdoes not mean that we are now banning all ornaments; quite the opposite. We are absolutely not aiming to be monolithic. However, current fashion sometimes refers, sometimes contradictorily, to timeless lines, older buildings (especially early 20th-century North American ones), or styles borrowed from classic furniture.

We also observe that the ' Countertop "evolves in its nature, in its use, in its position within the layout and space. For several years now, it has increasingly become a place where meals are taken. Today, it is a space for sharing dishes. Cocktail bars are also evolving; everything is crafted right before your eyes, with bottles and ingredients for your mix displayed at the same level as your glass. Much broader avenues are needed.

Thus, we designed the new cocktail bar at Park Hyatt Paris-Vendôme with a custom edge profiles. Bistros need time, languor, and memories... yet, these new edge profiles have already found their place there, at the heart of timeless Paris... as well as abroad, where the counter of the new Bilboquet " in West Palm Beach features Border No. 102 (8cm).
