Edge profile N°13

15 cm

This edge profile countertop is somewhat like the twin of Edge profile N°3: same dimensions, same era... but with a more pronounced border that paradoxically makes it more modern.
You'll find this pewter countertop edge profile in the East of Paris at " L’inédit Café » : ": a typical neighborhood bistro from the era when market gardeners from Montreuil would stop by on their way back from Les Halles. The neighborhood and clientele have obviously evolved since the time when the streets from Bercy to Gare de Lyon were the domain of cabinetmakers and furniture artisans. The place remains very pleasant with an unpretentious decor, but a genuine 1920s bar counter that demonstrates the Faubourg Saint Antoine's commitment to handmade craftsmanship. de l’époque où les maraîchers de Montreuil faisaient une halte en revenant des Halles. Le quartier et la clientèle ont bien évidemment évolué depuis l’époque où les rues qui allaient de Bercy à la Gare de Lyon étaient le fief des ébénistes et des artisans du meuble. L’endroit y est toujours plus que sympathique avec un décor sans façon, mais un vrai meuble de bar 1920 qui démontre l’attachement du grand Faubourg Saint Antoine au travail fait main. The zinc takes on a majestic air on this luxurious base.
The edge profile N°13 blends well with much more contemporary styles, as seen at " L’Ours Brun ", a cocktail bar and gourmet restaurant located ideally on the snowy slopes of Piau-Engaly in the heart of the Pyrenees.

The Counter N°94 has been restored with this edge profile.
