

Edge border used: Edge profile n.06

The pewter countertop is a distinctive feature of French etiquette. It brings warmth and a peculiar aestheticism to the Gaslight brasserie: you feel good there, and it also strengthens conviviality!
Nectoux ‘Zinc’ (t/n: countertop in popular French) can be found all over the world, especially in the United States of America. The edge profile n.06 of this brasserie is particularly bright; it catches the eye and the countertop becomes the central element of the place. This atypical place draws its charm out of this old ‘Zinc’, on which a patina had formed with the countless rubbing of hands, elbows and beer mats. It is comfortable to sit by and meet regulars or to have a drink there, now and then.

560 Harrison Avenue , Boston, Massachusetts, USA